Friday, 20 May 2011

Eat and stay thin!

So it's about time I put some real knowledge out there, as a fitness instructor I get asked a lot of questions about dieting. One thing I will say before I go on is that if your on a commercial diet, kindly STOP.
The next few blogs I feel will be devoted to eating and exercise for those who dont come to my classes you can get tips via this blog.

Diet is literally to describe what we eat, so I've used the phrase commercial diet for all those who no longer eat bread, NEVER have a slice of CAKE (God forbid) and are having vegetable juice or maple syrup and water all day... long term all these are NO GOOD.

I came across a CD called Eat and Stay Thin by Joyce Meyers, and though she is a Christian speaker, the message is based on scientific and psychological facts. There is no need to regurgitate what she said but the points she made are in line with a lot of my own beliefs about food, and I found it very useful having just recovered from an eating disorder myself (thats a blog for another day). 

  • When you cut out foods and put yourself under the bondage of a strict eating plan, you give food the power over your life and eventually it will win. How many times have you started a new diet??
  • Let's be real you can cant actually live like this for the rest of your life....? Eventually you'll have to stop and then what? Get fat or die trying to be thin?
  • It's not cake or sweets, bread or butter that makes you fat it's too much of anything. MODERATION AND BLANCE IS KEY.
  • Commercial dieting messes up your natural body system in a way that causes you body to want to become bigger as a way of fighting against starvation or lack of nutrients. 
  • When you stop dieting, it'll all come back and you'll be bigger than ever
  • It's not 'too late' when your body feels hungry, thats the point of the hungry feeling, it's a function not to be condemned!
I'll stop here for now, these are just a few points to ponder until the next blog, I'll be giving advise on ways to work out a healthy way to eat and to live, we have can't have our life revolving around what we're eating, food SERVES US remember?

Happy Eating!

Party on 