Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Recreating Memories.... (you can tell I work from home right?)

When spending summer weekends at convention, me and my sisters (Kay//Gem//Chev) entertained each other by putting fruit in our mouths... guess not so hilarious to the rest of the world, but hey it's memories!!!

Laugh. Love. Live.

Monday, 22 November 2010

One Picture, A Thousand Words

So the saying one picture, a thousand words is just soooo apt. 
For a few special people in my life, more than a thousand words will spring to mind when they look at this picture while they seductively drink their unlimited re-fill through a straw. 

Please do not forsake remembering the good times you share with people, because you dont share the rest of you life with everyone but you can always share memories.

I dont share memories with this guy but we can all take a moment to appreciate. I dont make a thing of 'digging' people that I dont know, and yes he is taken so I will not 'covet' but I felt I should confess now and get it out of the way... This dude is mad hot.

Peace xxx EEE

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


SO this is where you really get to know me. I am a HUGE Narnia fan and CANNOT WAIT for the new film to be released!! Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I'm hoping, is going to be amazing and i'm still wishing someone will buy me premier tickets. (HINT HINT) 

Here is the link for the trailer, I hope you can be just as excited as I am (currently listening to previous soundtracks, Heck i'm just gonna put on the DVD now.... goodnight world!)


Monday, 15 November 2010

Hottest By Far - The Fives ft Vanya (I'm in there somewhere!)

Click the link and you'll see my hair!


Hey guys, 

So the rumours are true, I'm secretly a world famous singing superstar that tours all year and pretends to be a nanny and children's worker, the secret is out!

Ok well not so much that, but I've been singing with ICI for a few years now and next Wednesday Album no.1 is out!! Thank GOD for how far he has brought us, and how he will use us and teach us! I love being able to sing, have people enjoy the music and glorify God all at once! A fulfilling life indeed!

Jesus Actually reigns in me, even when I'm not at my best his strength is made perfect. True grace!

xx E

p.s have a look at the promo vid for the Album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmN94daDID0 

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Eleasah @ YOU!


Hey guys, 
I hope you are all well?
In Christ's Image (ICI) are Launching their first album and it's going to be EXCITING TIMES!! I Hope you are all ready??

24th November is the release date and you will be able to buy hardcopies or download from itunes, amazon and on spotify!!

Please get involved, this is worship music to reach the masses, hoping the change peoples lives!!


Monday, 8 November 2010

Next Cake and Custard Party 2nd January 2011!!

Start the year with a super BANG! 
Cake and custard all the way ya'll. 
I mean all the way TURNED UP!
Save the Date. the marriage of crumble and custard ceremony starts at 7pm. 
Location TBC.